Brain Droppings

From the mind of Chris Weibel

LDAP In Concourse, Why Hast Thou Errored on Me?

18 Nov 2019


Photo by Marko Horvat on Unsplash

What we were doing

Recently, we were helping a client to integrate logging into Concourse. Deploying Concourse with the concourse-bosh-deployment is fairly easy with a base concourse.yml and features added with various ops files. One of the available ops files adds LDAP authentication which the client wanted. We wound up with a deployment similar to:

bosh deploy -d control_plane_concourse concourse.yml \
  -o operations/ldap.yml \
  -o operations/add-main-team-ldap-users.yml \
  -o operations/tls.yml \
  -o operations/tls-vars.yml \
  -o operations/credhub.yml \
  -o operations/credhub-path-prefix.yml


After deploying Concourse to use LDAP authentication, we tried logging in. No dice. So we bosh ssh’d onto the Web VM and looked at the logs in /var/vcap/sys/log/web. Scrolling through the logs found this error:

  "message":"Failed to login user: ldap: entry missing following required attribute(s):


There were no errors during the BOSH deploy but obviously we were missing something. After a bit of trial and we error discovered that the following needed to be populated: