Brain Droppings

From the mind of Chris Weibel

Adding pgBadger to the PostgreSQL Helm Chart

16 Aug 2019


Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash

pgBadger is a helpful tool which will generate reports and diagrams about the type and pattern of sql queries over time that are submitted to PostgreSQL. The tool works by reading the PostgreSQL logs (not transaction logs) which are not typically enabled by default in the helm chart.

Below are a few methods for leveraging pgBadger on a PostgreSQL instance deployed via the default PostgreSQL Helm Chart. Each approach has pros and cons, pick the one which is appropriate for your situation!


There are a few configurations which must be performed to allow pgBadger to read logs:

  • Configure PostgreSQL to emit logs
  • Know the log_destination used
  • Know the log_line_prefix used

Configure PostgreSQL

To configure PostgreSQL to emit logs see this blog post. The author is fantastic. Basically you’ll need to enable logging and select which queries are emitted to the logs. The example in the blog post assumes you want ALL queries since any query taking 0 or longer seconds is logged.

Retrieve Log Destination

There are a number of ways to define the type of logs to emit. You will need this value as a parameter to the pgbadger script. To retrieve what the current value used is query the database instance:

postgres=# select name, setting from pg_settings where name='log_destination';
      name       | setting 
 log_destination | stderr  

The typical values are the following with the options defined here:

  • stderr
  • cvslog
  • syslog

Retrieve Log Line Prefix

You will need this value as a parameter to the pgbadger script. To retrieve the current value of log_line_prefix again query the database:

postgres=# select name, setting from pg_settings where name='log_line_prefix';
      name       | setting  
 log_line_prefix | %m [%p]  

More information on logging prefixes for PostgreSQL:, there are some better settings which you may want to leverage over the default %m [%p].

Method 1: Hack an existing Helm Chart deployed PostgreSQL statefulset

This method is not… probably the way you want to make the changes in production but does work. Basically, deploy the PostgreSQL helm chart, download the statefulset spec, add the pgBadger container and apply the change. It seems to survive helm upgrade commands but I wouldn’t rely on that behavior.

Assuming that the deployment was performed similar to:

helm install --name pg88g \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logDirectory=mylogs4pgbadger \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logMinDurationStatement=0 \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.loggingCollector=true \
--set service.type=NodePort \

Download the existing statefulset :

kubectl get statefulset pg88g-postgresql \
-o yaml > pg88g-postgresql.statefulset.yaml

Modify it to include the following:

      - name: pgbadger
        image: dalibo/pgbadger
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          pgbadger /data/data/mylogs4pgbadger/*.log -f stderr \
            --prefix='%m [%p]' --jobs 4 -o \
            /data/pgbadger$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M").html
          sleep 10000
        - mountPath: /data
          name: data

Note that:

  • --prefix='%m [%p]' is the value retrieved in the log_line_prefix Prerequisites section

  • -f stderr comes from the log_line_prefix in the Prerequisites section

  • the sleep 10000 is a terrible solution which give you enough time to exec onto the container to see the files created and allow for debugging issues.

  • the volumeMounts section is copied from the volume used by the original postgresql container

      - mountPath: /data
        name: data
  • both of the containers (postgres and pgbadger) will be sharing the same volume but mounted to different places within each container. The mylogs4pgbadger was specified as the folder logged to when the helm chart was deployed (--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logDirectory=mylogs4pgbadger \).

  • the /data/pgbadger$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M").html will generate the files in a format similar to pgbadger2019_08_15_at_18_47.html in the /data directory.

Apply the changes to the statefulset we’ve manually updated:

kubectl apply -f pg88g-postgresql.statefulset.yaml

Once deployed you’ll be able to log into the new pgbadger container and look at the file created:

kubectl exec pg88g-postgresql-0 --container=pgbadger -it -- sh
cd /data
ls -alh *.html

If you are connected to the container you can be manually run the pgbadger command again:

pgbadger /data/data/mylogs4pgbadger/*.log \
  -f stderr --prefix='%m [%p]' --jobs 4 \
  -o /data/pgbadger$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M").html

Method 2: Deploy pgBadger as a separate Job

Heavily borrowed from we can deploy a separate Job which will connect to the same volume as the PostgreSQL helm chart instance, run the pgbadger command and then exit.

Start by deploying another chart:

helm install --name pg88h \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logDirectory=mylogs4pgbadger \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logMinDurationStatement=0 \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.loggingCollector=true \
--set service.type=NodePort \

Create a file named pgbadger.job.yaml and populate it with:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: pg88h-postgresql-pgbadger
  ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 300
      name: pg88h-postgresql-pgbadger
        app: postgresql
        chart: postgresql-6.2.1
        heritage: Tiller
        release: pg88h
        role: master
      - name: pgbadger
        image: dalibo/pgbadger
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          pgbadger /data/data/mylogs4pgbadger/*.log -f stderr --prefix='%m [%p]' --jobs 4 -o /data/pgbadger$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M").html

        - mountPath: /data
          name: data
      - name:  data
          claimName: data-pg88h-postgresql-0
      restartPolicy: OnFailure

Then apply:

kubectl apply -f pgbadger.job.yaml

If the job is successful you will see something similar to:

kubectl get pods

NAME                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pg88h-postgresql-0                1/1     Running     0          41m
pg88h-postgresql-pgbadger-cxdp2   0/1     Completed   0          8m37s

If you connect back to either the postgres or pgbadger containers in their respective pods you’ll see the file written out from the pgBadger run:

$ kubectl exec pg88h-postgresql-0 -it -- sh
$ cd /bitnami/postgresql/data
$ ls -alh
total 1.6M
drwxrwxrwx  4 root root 4.0K Aug 16 17:18 .
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4.0K Jul  1 11:10 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root 4.0K Aug 16 16:45 conf
drwx------ 20 1001 1001 4.0K Aug 16 16:45 data
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 772K Aug 16 17:18 pgbadger2019_08_16_at_17_18.html

A couple notes about the yaml file:

  • The contents of containers: is the same as Method #1, refer to that section for the breakdown of the command: portion of the spec.
  • Similar to Method #1, both containers (postgresql and pgbadger) have access to the persistent volume but in this solution the containers are in different pods
  • The ttlSecondsAfterFinished: 300 allows the scheduler to remove the pod after 5 minutes giving you some time to debug on the container if something has gone wrong.


  • If the PVC is defined as ReadWriteOnce then the job pod has to be located on the same worker as the postgres pod. If you are on minikube, this isn’t an issue but in other Kubernetes deployments with multiple workers it can be a problem.
  • If ReadWriteMany is used so you aren’t forced to locate the pgbadger job on the same instance, not all IaaS providers support this, the list is documented here:

Method 3: Cron Job

This is almost the same as Method #2 except we’ll use a kind: CronJob instead of kind: Job resource so we can schedule the job to repeat.

Start by deploying another chart:

 helm install --name pg88i \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logDirectory=mylogs4pgbadger \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logMinDurationStatement=0 \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.loggingCollector=true \
--set service.type=NodePort \

Create a file named pgbadger.cronjob.yaml and populate it with:

apiVersion: batch/v1beta1
kind: CronJob
  name: pg88i-postgresql-pgbadger
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
          name: pg88i-postgresql-pgbadger
            app: postgresql
            chart: postgresql-6.2.1
            heritage: Tiller
            release: pg88i
            role: master
          - name: pgbadger
            image: dalibo/pgbadger
            - sh
            - -c
            - |
              pgbadger /data/data/mylogs4pgbadger/*.log -f stderr --prefix='%m [%p]' --jobs 4 -o /data/pgbadger$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M").html

            - mountPath: /data
              name: data
          - name:  data
              claimName: data-pg88i-postgresql-0
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Then apply:

kubectl apply -f pgbadger.cronjob.yaml

If the job is successful you will see something similar to:

kubectl get pods

NAME                                         READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
pg88i-postgresql-0                           1/1     Running     0          10m
pg88i-postgresql-pgbadger-1565977800-ppfn8   0/1     Completed   0          2m50s
pg88i-postgresql-pgbadger-1565977860-c86mz   0/1     Completed   0          110s
pg88i-postgresql-pgbadger-1565977920-fqmsq   0/1     Completed   0          50s

The last 3 successful and last 1 unsuccessful containers will be kept and older ones will be deleted automatically.

To see all the cronjobs currently available to your namespace:

kubectl get cronjobs

NAME                        SCHEDULE      SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
pg88i-postgresql-pgbadger   */1 * * * *   False     0        25s             11m

Notes about this method:

Method 4: Patches

This one is also nifty and functions very much like Method #1 but without manually downloading and editing the statefulset file. The idea with this one is to “patch” the statefulset and merge an additional container definition to the pod following

In this example, we’ll deploy the helm chart, then merge with kubectl patch command which will add the pgbadger container spec to the deployed statefulset.

Start by deploying another chart:

helm install --name pg88j \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logDirectory=mylogs4pgbadger \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.logMinDurationStatement=0 \
--set postgresqlExtendedConf.loggingCollector=true \
--set service.type=NodePort \

If you take a look at the pods there will be a single container with PostgreSQL running happily:

kubectl get pods

NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pg88j-postgresql-0   1/1     Running   0          151m

Create a file named pgbadger.patch.yaml and populate it with:

      - name: pgbadger
        image: dalibo/pgbadger
        - sh
        - -c
        - |
          pgbadger /data/data/mylogs4pgbadger/*.log -f stderr --prefix='%m [%p]' --jobs 4 -o /data/pgbadger$(date +"%Y_%m_%d_at_%H_%M").html
          sleep 10000
        - mountPath: /data
          name: data

Then apply the patch to the statefulset:

kubectl patch statefulset pg88j-postgresql --patch "$(cat pgbadger.patch.yaml)"

If the job is successful you will see something similar to the following with now two containers in the pod:

kubectl get pods

NAME                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pg88j-postgresql-0   2/2     Running   0          5m35s

What is nice with this solution is you can leave the original helm chart definition alone and “sidecar” on an additional container inside the pod after the initial deployment. Since there is nothing specific in the patch to a particular deployment the patch can be used over and over. This solution, however, doesn’t allow us to repeatedly schedule pgBadger to run.


Above are a few possible solutions to leveraging pgBadger with the existing PostgreSQL Helm Chart without trying to make changes to the chart. None of them are perfect for my situation but hopefully one might be to you!