Photo by Ricardo Viana on Unsplash
Made A Mess of Your Buildpacks?
If you have made a mess of your default system buildpacks and want to delete and reload them you can in just a few simple steps.
Step 1 - Remove existing Buildpacks
Start by logging into the CF CLI with cloud_controller.admin permissions, once there list the existing buildpacks:
cf buildpacks
Now you can loop through and remove the buildpacks, adjust the names as needed to your output paying attention to -
versus _
cf delete-buildpack staticfile_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack java_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack ruby_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack nodejs_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack go_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack python_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack php_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack binary_buildpack -f
cf delete-buildpack dotnet_core_buildpack -f
Verify that the buildpacks have been removed by running another cf buildpacks
Step 2 - Modify API VM
Start by BOSH ssh’ing into any of the API nodes and navigate to /var/vcap/jobs/cloud_controller_ng/bin
Make a copy of the post-start
script, we’ll be editing the file and will need to put it back when done:
cp post-start post-start.orig
Now modify the post-start
file to contain:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex
export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"
export CLOUD_CONTROLLER_NG_CONFIG="${CONFIG_DIR}/cloud_controller_ng.yml"
export BUNDLE_GEMFILE="${CC_PACKAGE_DIR}/cloud_controller_ng/Gemfile"
source "${CC_JOB_DIR}/bin/"
source /var/vcap/packages/capi_utils/
tee_output_to_sys_log "cloud_controller_ng.$(basename "$0")"
function install_buildpacks {
pushd "${CC_PACKAGE_DIR}/cloud_controller_ng" > /dev/null
chpst -u vcap:vcap bundle exec rake buildpacks:install
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Buildpacks installation failed"
exit 1
popd > /dev/null
function main {
exit 0
Step 3 - Verify and Cleanup
Now run the post-start
script. Once it is complete you can validate everything went well by running a cf buildpacks
Perform a bosh recreate api
on the deployment or remove your temporary post-start
script as to not cause issues with next deployment:
cd /var/vcap/jobs/cloud_controller_ng/bin
rm post-start
mv post-start.orig post-start
At this point you have your refreshed buildpacks and fixed your API node. Enjoy!