Brain Droppings

From the mind of Chris Weibel

Manual Backup of ccdb/uaadb Databases on Cloud Foundry

14 Jun 2018


Photo by Steve Smith on Unsplash

For whatever reason you may want to make a database backup for uaadb, ccdb or any of the other 6 databases in cf-deployment and copy the backup to a jumpbox or other server. The instructions below will walk through two options for performing the backups and getting the backup to a secondary server. Option 1 assumes the jumpbox cannot access the databases directly, Option 2 assumes the jumpbox can access the database directly.

The examples use mysql but it is a similar process for postgres, just swap mysqldump for pg_dump.


You must have the following to perform a backup of the ccdb or uaadb database instance:

  • Access to BOSH
  • BOSH SSH access to a cloud_controller or api for ccdb; uaa vm for uaadb in your CF deployment
  • Access to a jumpbox or similar with a few GB of persistent storage


Target the CF deployment and bosh ssh to the cloud_controller/0 instance, specify your own alias and deployment, the example below is for myenv:

bosh -e myenv -d my-cf-deployment ssh cloud_controller/0

Once connected via bosh ssh, connect as the root user and retrieve the creds to the database:

sudo -i
vim /var/vcap/jobs/cloud_controller_ng/config/cloud_controller_ng.yml

In this file search for a line similar to the following which contains the cleartext credentials to the ccdb database:

db: &db
  database: "mysql2://"

For uaadb connect via bosh ssh uaa/0 and search for the file /var/vcap/jobs/uaa/config/uaa.yml and look for lines similar to:

  url: jdbc:mysql://
  username: databaseusername
  password: databasepassword

Option 1 - Create backup on cloud_controller/0 or uaa/0

While in the ssh session to cloud_controller/0 for ccdb or uaa/0 for uaadb, if the mysqldump and mysql client tools were not previously installed on the vm, run the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-client

Now you can perform the backup of the database, substitute values for host, user and password from the cloud_controller_ng.yml or uaa.yml file:


mysqldump --user=databaseusername --password=databasepassword --single-transaction ccdb > /tmp/ccdb.sql


mysqldump --user=databaseusername --password=databasepassword --single-transaction uaadb > /tmp/uaadb.sql

Set the file permissions so bosh scp can copy the files later, bosh scp doesn’t work against files owned by root:

chown vcap:vcap /tmp/ccdb.sql   #ccdb
chown vcap:vcap /tmp/uaadb.sql  #uaadb

Now exit the ssh connection to the cloud_controller/0 or uaa/0 vm, from the jumpbox run a bosh scp command to download the backup to the jumpbox:

bosh -e myenv -d my-cf-deployment scp cloud_controller/0:/tmp/ccdb.sql .
bosh -e myenv -d my-cf-deployment scp uaa/0:/tmp/uaadb.sql .

Option 2 - Perform Backup From Jumpbox

While on the cloud_controller/0 or uaa/0 vm get the DNS lookup for the mysql nodes:

# dig

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.17-Ubuntu <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 21422
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;    IN    A

;; ANSWER SECTION: 0    IN    A 0    IN    A

Now you can perform the backup of the database, substitute values for host, user and password from the cloud_controller_ng.yml or uaa.yml file, use one of the two ip addresses from the DNS lookup in the previous step for the host parameter:


mysqldump --host= --user=databaseusername --password=databasepassword --single-transaction ccdb > ccdb.sql


mysqldump --host= --user=databaseusername --password=databasepassword --single-transaction uaadb > uaadb.sql

Verify Backup

Verify you have the full file by running a tail. If the backup was complete it should end with:

-- Dump completed on 2018-06-14 10:22:53

Hey, What About the Other CF Databases?

Rinse, repeat the instructions about, reference for a list of the databases and where their configuration files are that hide the clear text values.